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Personal Branding: 6 Tips To Boost Business Growth

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Everyone has a personal brand, but not everyone knows it. And even fewer people know how to leverage their personal brand for success. Even more rare are those who know what exactly their personal brand is and how to utilize social channels to grow it. I want to show you how to identify your personal brand, focus on what makes you unique, and start leveraging it to build your business. In this post, I’ll show you how personal branding can help your business grow and make it easier for people to find. Let’s dive in!

1. Defining Your Personal Brand Mission Statement

A friendly woman whose portrait is welcoming to potential customers.

Start with knowing your personal brand mission statement.

So what does it mean to have a personal brand? It means you want to be known for something, and that “something” should be consistent with who you really are. This could be anything from being an expert in your industry or field to having a reputation as someone who is fun to work with!

Personal branding is about defining who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to be perceived by others. It’s also about making sure that everything in your life communicates those qualities consistently and authentically. The first step in developing a strong personal brand is defining its mission statement:

  • What do I want clients/customers (and everyone else) to think when they hear my name?
  • What would I like them to say about me when we’re not together?
  • What sets me apart from others in my industry?
  • Who do I want to connect with and serve?
  • What impact do I want to make on my audience or community?
  • What drives me and gives me fulfillment in my work?

Once you’ve figured out these answers, it’s time to start implementing them into every aspect of your life so that they become second nature by default rather than just something new that needs daily work!

The easiest way to develop your personal brand is by taking a look at how others perceive you and then working on changing those perceptions (or reinforcing them) in a positive way. For instance, if someone says you always have great ideas but never follow through with them, work on following through with those ideas! Or if someone says they love working with you because of how easy it is to get along with you despite working together remotely, then find ways to keep that going!

2. Identifying Your Values and Attributes to Develop Your Personal Brand

A driven business-women who is building her brand.

When defining your personal brand, it’s important to consider the values and attributes that define who you are. For example, if one of your core values is integrity, everything else should align with this.

If you’re like most people (and I know I was), figuring out what defines us as individuals can be challenging because we’ve never considered it. But once we start digging into our history and experiences, patterns tend to emerge around what makes us tick–and those patterns will also help shape how others perceive us.

3. Documenting Your Personal Brand in Writing and Video

A real estate agent who showcases her friendly demeanor to attract clients.

You need to know what you stand for and be able to articulate it in writing and video.

Your personal brand mission statement is the foundation of your business. It’s how you express what you’re all about, who you serve, and how they benefit from working with or buying from you. It should be short (no more than a couple sentences) and easy to understand: “I help my clients grow their businesses by developing new strategies that will increase sales.”

A list of your core competencies is also vital because this helps others see how valuable your skills are in solving problems or adding value. For example, you might be a fantastic problem solver or have excellent leadership skills that allow you to bring diverse teams together. T

These skills can be used to create a compelling elevator pitch when meeting with potential clients and guide conversations during sales or discovery calls. You can attract new business and grow your business by highlighting your strengths and demonstrating how they can benefit your clients.

4. Building Your Professional Network to Grow Your Business

Networking is one of the most effective ways to grow your business. You can meet potential clients, collaborators, and partners at networking events. Still, it’s also essential to build a personal network by connecting with people who can refer business to you or to whom you can refer business.

It’s essential to surround yourself with people who not only share your interests but also bring value to the table. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, it may be tempting to only connect with other designers. However, it’s important to also seek out connections with professionals in related fields, such as marketing or web development.

These connections can provide you with a broader range of skills and knowledge that can help you create more effective designs for your clients. By finding connections who bring different strengths to the table, you can expand your own expertise and provide even more value to your clients.

LinkedIn is an excellent platform because users have relationship-building as one of their top priorities. When reaching out to connect with others, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Be specific about what kind of help/connection/information/etc. Exactly what kind will be most beneficial for them?
  • Describe why this connection would benefit both parties involved; this makes people feel valued instead of used!
  • Include links where appropriate so readers can quickly learn more about yourself/your businesses before deciding whether or not they want more info from either party involved (this helps avoid confusion later down the line).

5. The Importance of Authenticity On Social Media for Your Personal Brand

A behind the scenes look at a women who owns a staging company in the real estate industry.

Your personal brand will reflect the overall image of your business, so it’s important to be consistent with everything from messaging to how you present yourself.

Be genuine: Don’t be afraid to show your human side! You don’t have to be perfect all the time; showing flaws or making mistakes can strengthen your personal brand by helping others relate more easily (and honestly). In addition, if there is anything about yourself or what you do that people might find interesting or inspiring–like an exciting hobby or passion project–share those things too!

This helps build trust between potential customers considering buying something from you because they know more about who “you” are as a person rather than just being another faceless company selling products online.

6. You Are Your Brand

A business owner who is the face of her brand.

As a business owner, it’s crucial to prioritize maintaining a positive public image for your company. Establishing a solid personal brand can help you gain credibility and lead your business with confidence.

You are your brand. When people think about what you offer and how it benefits them, they will be more likely to purchase from you if they know who YOU are and what YOU stand for. Your personal brand is the best way to get new business because it allows potential customers to connect with who YOU are before ever reaching out about working together or purchasing something from them.

Your personal branding efforts should include building an online presence where people can find information about what makes up your core values as well as what makes up YOUR life outside of work hours–and then sharing this content on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram (or whatever platform works best).

Get Started!

It’s time to stop thinking about your personal brand as something only for celebrities and other famous people. You can use the same techniques to build your business, grow your network and be more successful in every aspect of life. Personal branding is about being true to yourself and building trust with others by sharing insights into what makes them tick. This will help them connect with others who share similar interests or values, meaning more customers for everyone!

Are you ready to increase your visibility and revenue by leveraging your personal brand? Let me show you how. Contact me for a complimentary 20-minute consultation, and let’s get started on your journey to success.

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  1. Carolyn Edmond says:

    I love it when you provide specific and detailed tips that are strategically based. After reading your blogs I leave with practical labs actionable tools. Thank you for giving of yourself to pay it forward.

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coffee OBSESSED, ENNEAGRAM 2, mother, wife and photographer

Hi, I'm Jodie

For over a decade, Jodie Brim has been leading the way in brand photography. An entrepreneur herself, Jodie keeps her eye on the needs of budding business owners. Now as head of a team of experts, she leads the industry by providing unique services, offering her clients a holistic brand photography experience.

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