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How To Find A Mentor For Your Business

How to Find a Mentor
I'm jodie

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As a business owner, juggling all the hats you must wear can be difficult. There are so many different aspects to running a business and so many decisions that you have to make on a day-to-day basis. One of the best moves you can make in your business is ensuring you have a mentor to help you navigate the rough waters of being a business owner. This could be through a paid program, a group of business besties, or someone close to you. We’re going to chat about how to find a mentor for your business and the benefits of having one.

How to Find a Mentor

Where To Find a Mentor

If you don’t have a mentor in your personal life, several other options are available. One of the most accessible options is to join Facebook groups related to your field. Joining 3-5 groups can help you find one that aligns with your interests. You can also post in these groups looking for an accountability partner or business bestie. This can lead to many responses, so be prepared to choose the right fit for you. To keep track of conversations and shared information, you can communicate through platforms such as Slack, Trello, or Voxer. Building mutually supportive relationships with other business owners can help you stay motivated and on track.

Another option is to consider paid coaching programs. These can guide specific areas of your business. When choosing a coach, please look for someone who has already achieved what you want. For instance, if you’re going to build a successful brand photography career, please contact someone who has already done that or reach out to me!)

Why Find a Mentor

As I mentioned earlier, there are so many hats and decisions you have to make as a business owner. Having a mentor can help you see challenges from a different perspective. They can help you work through problems in your business that they have already solved. This can work with your business besties, but hiring a mentor can come in handy.

When you hire a mentor, they can help you avoid the pitfalls they experienced. This kind of experience is priceless. It will help you save money from expensive mistakes, navigate challenging conversations, and give you another pair of eyes on essential aspects of your business. There is a lot to be said about having someone in your corner!

Some of the reasons why you should consider having a mentor include the following:

  1. Experience and guidance: Mentors have more experience and can provide valuable advice on navigating the challenges of starting and running a business.
  2. Networking opportunities: Mentors can introduce you to new people and provide access to their professional network.
  3. Objectivity and fresh perspective: A mentor can provide an objective perspective on your business and help you see things from a fresh angle.
  4. Personal and professional growth: Mentors can help you identify personal and professional development areas and provide guidance on achieving your goals.
  5. Support and encouragement: Having a mentor can provide you with the support and encouragement you need to keep going when things get tough.

How To Find A Mentor For Your Business

Having a mentor can significantly impact the success of your business. Whether you want to invest financially and hire a mentor or if you want a group of business besties, there is no replacement for having assistance in your business. If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Instagram!

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coffee OBSESSED, ENNEAGRAM 2, mother, wife and photographer

Hi, I'm Jodie

For over a decade, Jodie Brim has been leading the way in brand photography. An entrepreneur herself, Jodie keeps her eye on the needs of budding business owners. Now as head of a team of experts, she leads the industry by providing unique services, offering her clients a holistic brand photography experience.

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